SOLD - Industrial AREA 9500 m² - Košice

Štát.: Slovensko
Mesto.: Košice-okolie
Lokalita.: Kechnec
Ulica.: Priemyselný Park
2060 m²
predaj - Výrobné priestory
Cena v RK +DPH, vrátane provízie
Ponúknite vlastnú cenu

12669x zobrazená v zozname / 17573x zobrazená detailne / 159x zobrazená detailne tento mesiac

The real estate company PROFI REALITY SABOL EXCLUSIVELY offers FOR SALE an industrial area of ​​9500 m² with combined industrial building with a total usable area of ​​2060 m² in the industrial park KECHNEC, district Košice - Surroundings.

Cooperation with RK welcome. Available Expert Opinion from 05/2016


The property is situated in a well-logistic industrial park KECHNEC right next to the speedway R4 / Excerpt from tech. avg. Park Kechnec - IP is directly connected to R4, D1 - 29 km, Connection to the European motorway network through Hungary (motorway M30) is approximately 2 km from the border of the park, the road R4 passing by the Kechnec zone is part of the North-South international transport corridor Baltic - Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Balkans. Complete information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economy at this link:


Rectangular shape with dimensions of 151 x 63 m (9500 m²), flat, fully fenced with 2 entrance sliding gates and gatehouse, paved road inner-area circuit, access from municipal asphalt road (also trucks) - see photo.


The property consists of a building made of aerated concrete blocks, built and approved in 2004, divided into two expansion and operating units: a packing room with a social-administrative part and a production part and a concrete expedition area with a ramp for a forklift. It is a building with a technologically comprehensive production program currently focused on the food industry with the possibility of modification for various purposes.
• PACKING AREA WITH SOCIAL-ADMINISTRATIVE PART - on the first floor there are individual spaces such as entrance with electronic identification of employees, offices, changing rooms with sanitary facilities separately for men and women, boiler room with DHW preparation, space for packing and shipping products, dry storage premises, built-in cold storage of packaged products, operation for cleaning vegetables and staircase on the 2nd floor. On the second floor there are offices, bathroom, kitchen and terrace
• MANUFACTURING PART - is arranged in two separate levels. In the lower part there are installed polyethylene barrels on the sides for storing the cut cabbage for the fermentation process and in the upper part in the center of the building room for manipulation. The raw material input is via an open handling ramp at the rear of the building and the output to the packaging plant is via a direct operational link.
• SHIPPING RAMP - 13 x 17 m (210 m²) with access ramp for a forklift / 3 service ramps from each side of the building.

The building is equipped with municipal water distribution, water distribution from its own well, sewerage, electrical installation 380V, distribution of natural gas, compressed air, air conditioning, camera system, attendance control system, internal security system, central heating for natural gas by steel radiators boilers directly in the packaging operation and in the boiler house with central DHW preparation. Tread layers of the chemical-resistant packaging, corridors, soc. background and staircase of common ceramic tiles. Wall surface treated with washable shingle surface. cladding. Office space with wall and ceiling surfaces lime stucco with hygienic painting.

In the rear part of the plot there are 2 x cold storage of raw materials (170 m² each - not subject of sale) and on the side of the building a storage and pallet storage.


The current technical condition of buildings is good without the need to carry out reconstruction work on elements of long or short life.

PRICE: 490.000, -€ + VAT, Owner: legal person, VAT payer. Financing possible with own resources or loan.


Informujte sa o ponuke kým je aktuálna!

V súlade s príslušnými ustanoveniami zákona č. 18/2018 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len ,,ZoOOÚ“) potvrdzujem odoslaním správy správnosť a aktuálnosť svojich osobných údajov uvedených v kontaktom formulári. Čestne vyhlasujem, že udeľujem prevádzkovateľovi svoj výslovný, slobodný, vážny a bezvýhradný súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov v rozsahu položiek formuláru na účel kontaktovania ma a posielania vyhovujúcich realitných ponúk (súhlas je možné odvolať).


Vladimír Sabol

Vladimír Sabol

Senior Realitný Obchodník / Manažér

hovorím po slovensky Я говорить русский mówię po polsku mluvim česky I speak english


Budovateľská 63

080 01 Prešov


Podrobné informácie

Celková rozloha9500 m²
Úžitková plocha2060 m²
Počet poschodí2
Prístupová cestaasfaltová cesta

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